As with land, office space is a sought-after luxury right now. And if yours is located in a prime position it might have the same earning potential as a bedroom in Jaipur. And if your office has full-time spare rooms, or some of your workers just work part-time in the workplace, why don’t your desks collect money instead of dust? Qbicle can help you with this, Qbicle will find the best coworker for your place.
Compare prices locally
Firstly, knowing the price of your best coworking spaces is significant. If you’re in a good area, close to public transport, parking, or even just a desk with a view, you can charge more than you think. List the correct value by looking at the price of other offices in your city, and make sure you state all that comes with it, such as private meeting rooms, community spaces, and equipment.
Adding value
Think about the growing services that you can give with the best coworking spaces too. Getting a reliable postal address and telephone line is one of the key reasons people want to rent an office. If you can deliver receptionist services as well as both, your desk would become even more important.
Trust is so important
It is important to find a trustworthy person to share your best coworking spaces with, because this will contribute to consistent, stable revenue. But not the money alone will help you. You may use each other’s services at a reduced rate if you chose a complimentary company or freelancer to work alongside you – rather than a rival. What’s more, it’s usually businessmen and start-ups who are trying to rent a desk or office room and may give you fresh experiences and ideas by getting these types of people around. It’s at least a networking tool and you are going to make a connection.
Attracting the right people
Start-ups usually don’t want to get tied to long leases due to the financial risk. If you can deliver a monthly rolling package, you will attract the right people, and that means you’re not committed to anything in the long term. Also, you could only rent during peak times if it works better for your company.
Letters of agreement
Once you rent best coworking spaces, check with your landlord the terms and conditions and consider developing a letter of agreement between you and those who rent from you. Also, it’s necessary to decide how private your files and network should be. Renting means granting access to all non-personnel and so you’ll need to reassess your security measures. However, we will help you find the right person to share with, here at Share My Office. So even though you can’t see a spare desk right now in your office, think about how much room you’re currently using. Can you fit in one additional desk? Do any of your staff work part time from home? The market is extremely valuable right now and we can help you turn the spare space into extra cash, ingenuity and contacts!
Productive Offices
Creating a competitive climate does not only draw start-ups and freelancers but even businesses with a headcount of over 100 workers. Creating opportunities for networking and collaboration through events and workshops while preserving an ambiance that encourages efficiency.